New Finance – Easier, More Comfortable, and Better
In recent years, in order to foresight current and potential challenges and opportunities we are facing and develop effective strategies to overcome complex uncertainty, we have been promoting a cultural transformation, declaring a new vision and core values, and designing a new future for “Shinhan the Financial Leader.”
Chapter 06. Shinhan the Financial Leader

- 2023
- Dec. Launched “Shinhan Super
SOL”, Group’s integrated app
- Nov. Condensed the group’s
digital app brands into “Shinhan SOL”
- Apr. Shinhan Itas changed its name to Shinhan Fund Partners
- 2022
- Oct. Shinhan Financial
Investment changed its name to Shinhan Securities
- Jul. Shinhan Credit Information and Shinhan Card became subsidiaries
- Jun. Shinhan EZ General Insurance becomes a wholly owned subsidiary
- May Asia Trust becomes a wholly owned subsidiary
- Jan. Integrated Shinhan Asset
Management was launched(Shinhan Asset Management, Shinhan
Alternative Investment Management merge)
- 2021
- Sep. New vision for the
Group’s 20th anniversary: “New Finance – Easier, More
Comfortable, and Better”
- Jul. Integrated Shinhan Life
was launched(Shinhan Life, Orange Life merge)
- Mar. Published ESG Highlights
first in the Korean financial industry
- Jan. Shinhan Asset Management becomes a wholly owned subsidiary
- 2020
- Dec. Share exchange with Neoplux
- Sep. Neoplux becomes a wholly
owned subsidiary
- Jan. Share exchange with Orange Life Insurance to make it a wholly owned subsidiary
- 2019
- Aug. Shinhan AI becomes a
wholly owned subsidiary
- May Asia Trust joined SFG as subsidiary
- Feb. Orange Life Insurance (OrangeLife) joined SFG as subsidiary
- 2018
- Oct. SFG signed agreement to
acquire stake in Asia Trust.
- Sep. Signed the agreement with
Orange Life Life Insurance for stake acquisition
- Launch of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia(Joined SFG as sub-subsidiary)
- Aug. Shinhan Alpha REIT listed on the Korea Stock Exchange
Launched the integrated
one-stop financial platform “Shinhan Plus”
- May Launch of Shihan DS Vietnam (Joined SFG as sub-subsidiary)
- Jan. Launch of Shinhan Bank
Mexico (Joined SFG as sub-subsidiary)
- Shinhan Card obtained
100% stake in Prudential Vietnam Finance Company(PVFC)
- Launch of global markets and securities (GMS) unit
- 2017
- Dec. Sub-subsidiary Shinhan
Bank Vietnam and ANZ Bank completed merger
- Oct. Launch of Shinhan REITs
Management(Joined SFG as subsidiary)
- Jul. Launch of global investment banking (GIB) and global brokerage (GBK) units
- Apr. Inauguration of 2020 SMART Project