ESG Evaluation

(15 years for AP index)
DJSI are the oldest, float-adjusted market capitalization weighted indices that measure the performance of companies selected with ESG criteria using a best-in-class approach.

A CDP score is a rating system to assess the performance of a diverse range of major listed companies looking specifically at how they manage their environmental impact.

Morgan Stanley Capital Index (MSCI) ESG ratings calculate each company’s exposure to key ESG risks across different components of a business’ value chain across 10 social pillars and 35 ESG key issues, based on disclosure data from over 2800 companies around the world.

ISS QualityScore is a solution designed to enable monthly quality reviews of corporate governance across four key areas: Board Structure, Compensation, Shareholder Rights, Audit & Risk Oversight. Only the top 10 percentiles receive a rating of one (1).

The Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) tracks the performance of public companies committed to disclosing their efforts to support gender equality across five pillars.

KCGS, the Korea’s representative ESG rating system, discloses the level of sustainable management of listed companies by E, S, and G areas and integrated grades.

Sustainvest provides ESG assessment, analysis, and advisory services to companies listed on securities markets.