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  • Composition of the Board of Directors

    1. 01. The board of directors consists of all directors.
    2. 02. The chairman of the board of directors shall be appointed from among outside directors by resolution of the board of directors every year.
    3. 03. In the absence of the Speaker or in the absence of a notice, the director shall act on behalf of the board of directors according to the ranking determined by the board of directors.
  • Duties of the Board of Directors

    1. 01. The board of directors shall approve the managerial strategy and goal of the company and its subsidiaries and oversee its performance.
    2. 02. The board of directors shall secure environment and system for the risk management consistent with the business strategy of the company and its subsidiaries.
  • Convening of the Board of Directors Meeting

    1. 01. The board of directors’ meeting shall consist of ordinary and extraordinary board of directors’ meeting, and the chairman shall convene the board of directors’ meeting.
    2. 02. The ordinary board of directors’ meeting shall be held once per fiscal quarter and the extraordinary board of directors’ meeting may be convened whenever deemed to be necessary by the chairman.
  • Matters subject to BOD Resolutions

    1. 1. Matters relating to convening of general meeting of shareholders
    2. 2. Matters relating to the agenda to be brought to the general meeting of shareholders
    3. 3. Matters relating to establishment and alteration or abolition of important regulations
    4. 4. Matters relating to basic operation
    5. 5. Matters relating to including and excluding of subsidiaries
    6. 6. Matters relating to corporate governance
    7. 7. Matters relating to director, etc.
    8. 8. Matters relating to material contracts, etc.
    9. 9. Matters relating to entrustment of counsel, honorary director and advisor
    10. 10. Matters specially submitted by committee or president
    11. 11. Other matters that shall be determined by the board of directors under the laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation