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Declaration of
Human Rights

SFG respects the human rights of all stakeholders in our business activities.

Shinhan Financial Group has decided on the ‘Compassionate Finance, Your Companion for the Future’ as the group’s mission, which has the meaning of “A Better World through the Power of Finance." Based on this, we will aim to achieve sustainable growth by maintaining relationships of partners for shared development with customers, Shinhan and society to create customer, Shinhan and social value.

In order to continually maintain and develop relationships of shared development with customers and society, Shinhan Financial Group is respecting the basic rights of all stakeholders, including the group’s employees, customers and suppliers that do business with the group. We have enacted and operated the Shinhan Financial Group’s Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers that contain the philosophy of respecting human rights in them.

Shinhan Financial Group is respecting the human rights of all stakeholders in the group as shown below, doing our best to make sure there are no human rights’ violations.

    • Shinhan Financial Group will not make any unfair discrimination based on school relations, regionalism, age, gender, race, religion, etc.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will make fair evaluation and compensation according to performances and give fair opportunities for self-development based on one’s capabilities and skills.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will continually improve the safe and pleasant working conditions to enhance the health of employees.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will not provide differentiated financial services based on age, race, religion, political preferences, etc.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will not ask customers to provide excessive information and will take technological and physical measures to protect personal information.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will respect the demand and expectation of customers so that we develop and provide high-quality products and services that satisfy customers.
    • Shinhan Financial Group maintains the accuracy and reliability of accounting materials to ensure the transparency of management.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will provide the necessary information to shareholders and investors fairly and at appropriate times in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and internal regulations.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will respect the fair requests and suggestions of shareholders and investors to maintain mutually trusting relationships with them.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will emphasize on the value that the group’s suppliers have as partners for coexistence.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will not force the purchasing of the group’s products or services when selecting the group’s suppliers.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will trade fairly at a mutually equal position instead of a supreme status.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will actively participate in social contribution activities as a member of society in recognition of the responsibilities for the development of local communities as a financial group.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will not make any unfair discrimination on the socially underprivileged people when providing financial products and services, employment opportunities and financial and economic education.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will consider the impacts of large projects that might cause environmental and social issues before making loan and investment decisions.
    • Shinhan Financial Group will strive to create a sound and transparent society by preventing transactions made under false names or bank accounts under borrowed name, illegal money laundering transactions, etc.

Additionally, Shinhan Financial Group declares to do its best to support and comply with the basic principles for protecting and respecting human rights as stipulated in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Shinhan Financial Group will remove any factors of human rights violations that might occur in all areas, including selling financial products and providing financial services. If there is an occurrence of human rights violation, we will take the lead in implementing human rights friendly management by establishing prompt and efficient remedies.