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SDG Financing Framework

With Shinhan Financial Group’s mission statement ‘Compassionate Finance, Your Companion for the Future,’ we are pushing ahead with Creating Shared Value (CSV) management initiatives that satisfy both corporate economic value and social community value through the Group’s core business We strive to strengthen inclusive and productive financial support for the working-class and SMEs to be their reliable partner, practice responsible financing activities by ensuring environmental and social sustainability in our support projects and engage in leading and responsible management by contributing to the vitalization of green finance investing in the renewable energy and environment sectors. In addition, our sustainable development initiatives are linked with UN’s guidelines. We joined both the UN Global Compact and UNEP-FI in 2008. And SFG, along with 27 other banks and the UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) launched the public consultation of Global Principles for Responsible Banking in 2018. In this context, we have established SDG Financing Framework to finance the Group’s activities that are directly supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will continue to spread compassionate hope for mutual growth and shared prosperity through creative finance as we lead the paradigm of the future.

Shinhan Sustainable Delvelopment Goals Bond Framework VIEW

  • Introduction
  • Process for Project Evaluation and Selection
  • Reporting
  • Use of Proceeds
  • Management of Proceeds

Second-Party Opinion by Sustainaytics VIEW

Annual Reporting